My experience with Retinol - Quarter Life Crisis Diaries
Oh hello there as you definitely don't know (because I've been lying about
my age for the past few years 😁) I am well on my way to to turning 25 this year! Another totally unrelated fact - apparently 25 is the age your body stops producing as much collagen so you start getting wrinkles. Of course this has nothing to do with my quarter life crisis - I'm just blurting some random tidbit facts here - I am rapidly getting older. And even more rapidly losing years of my life in the abyss of a 9-5 capitalistic conundrum. I cannot speak on matters I'm not familiar with - I can't attest that growing up in another country, in a different job field would bring me more joy. But I can certainly attest on the discipline in which I'be been empirically bound to - the UTTER nine to five. I am losing myself and my time to the belly of a beast which pays me barely enough to get by and gifts me just two weeks to myself a year. Needless to say - I've been stressin boo. I've been stressin and I've lost sleep and I've been ever the more motivated to maintain this precious skin of mine to *hopefully* be able to lie about my age for any more years to come.
I think the original idea of this post was to write a raving review about retinol - but I'm bleehh mehh. Hopefully I update this later, but I probably won't. I drank tonight (of course!) wanna see what?
Drinking is so fun :) |
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