Sunday, February 24, 2019

My experience with Retinol - Quarter Life Crisis Diaries

Oh hello there as you definitely don't know (because I've been lying about
my age for the past few years 😁) I am well on my way to to turning 25 this year! Another totally unrelated fact - apparently 25 is the age your body stops producing as much collagen so you start getting wrinkles.  Of course this has nothing to do with my quarter life crisis - I'm just blurting some random tidbit facts here - I am rapidly getting older.  And even more rapidly losing years of my life in the abyss of a 9-5 capitalistic conundrum.   I cannot speak on matters I'm not familiar with - I can't attest that growing up in  another country, in a different job field would bring me more joy.  But I can certainly attest on the discipline in which I'be been empirically bound to - the UTTER nine to five.  I am losing myself and my time to the belly of a beast which pays me barely enough to get by and gifts me just two weeks to myself a year.  Needless to say - I've been stressin boo. I've been stressin and I've lost sleep and I've been ever the more motivated to maintain this precious skin of mine to *hopefully* be able to lie about my age for any more years to come. 

I think the original idea of this post was to write a raving review about retinol - but I'm bleehh mehh.  Hopefully I update this later, but I probably won't.  I drank tonight (of course!) wanna see what? 

Drinking is so fun :)

Monday, February 18, 2019

Guess Who's Back BITCH

Hello Hello!  In what is the third update post in what's supposed to be a writing blog, here I am.  Only 7 years older (and no wiser!) let me explain.  I knew I had this blog somewhere in the deep crevices of the ancient worldwide web kingdom but I didn't know what manner of cringe username or password I managed to cook up at age 16.  Then in one of those send an email into the future things (the theme of this post is cringe fest) I found this account!  LePense!?  I sure was a deep teen hahaaha.  Anyways I was so excited to finally delete this (synonyms for cringe please?) uhm creeeaatiivveee and edgy soliloquy from my angsty years when I went through my oh so achey breakey emotional posts.  And you know what?  As, uhm, expressive as they are they're really not so bad for a fucking 16 year old.  In a very tragic twist of fate my laptop was stolen and all my teenage writings went kaput with it so this is the only vestige of my words that I have from this time of my life  I bloody love it, I'm filled with cringe and with another slightly more positive version of cringe (nostalgia?).  Anyways I've reached an irksome crossroad in life once again which means I'm turning to writing and reading as an expression and exploratory means towards my consciousness, goals that sort of thing.  So I decided (nothing has changed in all this time) to create a blog!  I want to spit whatever creative bits and bobs my mind expels there in the most tailored, refined version I can revise.  For my 1 follower who hasn't been active since 2012 and whatever internet bot is following this now, feel free to give me a peep at SojuWithTolu.  (I don't like Soju that much, I don't know why I named it that. I think I may have been drunk?)  But for here?  For this very cringe shrivel of my past that I can't seem to bring myself to delete.  For here I'm going to drop my slops and tim tams and boom bams.  Basically I'm just going to blab here for fun, nothing refined and nothing geared towards any greater goal.  I'll just splatter myself all over this page (cause it worked out so well the last time) and not worry about making it presentable for anybody.  There's my into and here's my outro...bye bitch!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Awkward hello

Hiya uhhm long time no see.  Well I don't want to don the impression that I haven't been busy writing during my absence.  The truth is I have been writing, but not as passionately as I should have been.  But  the last few days i've been writing nonstop to build up a portfolio for this writing program i'm applying to and I'm beginning to remember how much I love, need writing in my life.  When I think of writing I think of it in the drops of rain falling from the sky in winter and the beams of sunlight warming my face in the summer- and everything in between.  Writing is everything.  But it's not enough to for me to just write, the act is only consummated when what I write is read. That's where you come in.  And whether by you I'm addressing the bottomless void of cyberspace or an anxiously awaiting follower doesn't matter.  I just need to share these words with someone.  So from now on I write and you read, deal?

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Wahhh I can't believe that I haven't posted here in so long.  It appears, my dear friends, that I let life get in the way.  Anyways I really enjoy writing, and I anticipate that I'll be having lot's more free time in the days to come so expect more frequent posts in the very near future!  (May I be so bold as to say weekly posts are on the way?  We'll see!)

Monday, April 11, 2011


Delia watched completely entranced as his beauty dismantled before her.  If there was ever such a thing as love it it was somewhere in the depths of those radiant, iridescent blue orbs that were Gaspard's eyes.  When he spoke, the concept of time became irrelevant, frivolous even, as his full pink lips perfected every nuance of every French word that graced his tongue.  His lips yielded the most romantic, most melodic rendition of language adding effortlessly to the surreal illusion he crafted.  His lustrous brown hair slowly swindled onto his fair visage.  And with one fluid gesture, every movement calculated, and deliberate, and perfect, he removed the distraction from his angelic countenance.  But only to recover those blue orbs, piercing her soul, lulling her into consciousness.  He was expecting something from her, she knew it.  She had hung upon every syllable of every word of his lovely speech, and yet somehow she had forgotten it all.  She must have lost it somewhere in those eyes... She felt herself surrender every inch of every fiber of her being into those hypnotic orbs ad she was consumed by an inundating affinity for his flawlessness.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Ella strolled through the park listening to the click-clack of her black schoolgirl shoes, her steps erratic and uneven.  She was accompanied by the philosophical thoughts that solitary walks in the park tended to procure, her brown hair stirring in the wind, clouding her vision.  Eliminating these pesky distractions, Ella fastened a scarlet red ribbon around her locks.  A stirring in the distance caught her attention, her eyes followed the trail of a bird, coasting higher and higher in the expanse of the sky.  How beautiful it was, gallantly rebelling against the contrary winds, blazing orange chest and all.  Her gaze followed the bird until the fiery orange sun blazed in her eyes forcing her to avert her fixated gaze.  Immediately, a conviction as tangible as a physical manifestation engulfed her so fully and completely she sought the shelter of a tree to rest in.  And immediately she was at home, the words poured out of her consciousness inundating the paper and yielding way to a beautiful thing.  At the end of her frantic frenzy she lay motionless on the bed of the grass, spent and exhausted.  She rolled on her side cavorting with her formless companion.